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Trading Tech Innovation

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Bot Crypto Scraper detail

All you need to discover and use it.

By using Auto Buy Listing Token, you can enjoy numerous advantages and Benefits

  • Benefit from cryptocurrency price pumps: By being among the first to buy a newly listed Cryptocurrency, you can profit from the rapid price increase
  • Get ahead of the crowd: Don't let other investors get ahead
  • With our service, you'll have the opportunity to seize the best opportunities before they become popular
  • Diversify your investment and assets: Automating the purchase of cryptocurrencies allows you to diversify your portfolio and explore new investment opportunities
  • Be autonomous: You have full control over the scraper, which is pre-installed and ready to be launched on a personal and private virtual machine

You can start or stop the bot whenever you want


More than you will expect.

  • Add a delay before buying the token after the next listing is announced: You have full control over when you want to buy the cryptocurrency
    We retrieve the data between 2 to 6 seconds between the listing announcement and information retrieval, based on your analysis and the scraped exchange
    Set a minimum or instant time if you want to immediately benefit from the pump (e.g., 0 seconds), or choose a longer delay if you prefer to wait for a pullback before buying (e.g., 1200 seconds)
  • Add a delay to sell the token: The pump of a cryptocurrency can vary depending on the exchange announcing the next listing
    You can set a time in seconds to automatically sell your cryptocurrency
    Choose the ideal moment to make profits based on your strategies
    (The delay can be set to a few seconds or never sell the asset by setting a large number)
  • Define the amount of your investment per token and per exchange: Specify the fixed amount you want to invest to buy the cryptocurrency at the time of the listing announcement per exchange
    For example, you can invest 100 USDT per announcement for all or 50 USDT for Huobi listings and 100 USDT for Binance listings
  • Choose the symbol of your investment: Define the cryptocurrency with which you will buy the tokens, whether it's USDT, BUSD, USDC, etc.
  • Select the investment mode: Opt for Spot, Futures, or both
    Please ensure you have the necessary balance in your Spot or Futures Wallet (in the previously defined stablecoin) before choosing this option
  • Split your investment amounts: You can separately define an amount to invest in Spot and another amount in Futures
  • Set leverage: If you choose Futures investment, you have the option to add leverage to your initial investment when buying
    This allows you to maximize your potential gains (available only for futures, and you can also customize your leverage per exchange based on the listing announcements, e.g., Leverage 10 for Binance, Leverage 5 for Coinbase, etc.)
  • Add proxies to the scraper: We have also included a feature to improve the speed and efficiency of scraping: the addition of random proxies
    You can configure one or more proxies that will run randomly, increasing the scraping rate and speed
  • Enable or disable exchange listings to scrape: We understand that you may not want to buy every announced cryptocurrency on different exchanges
    That's why we offer the option to enable or disable exchange listings to scrape according to your preferences
    For example, you can enable Binance and Huobi listings while disabling Kraken and Coinbase
  • Connect the scraper to your Telegram: Create a Telegram bot and provide the ID in the scraper to receive notifications when a Token is bought or sold (you will receive the invested amount and the purchased pair)


Better with images.

© 2025 Trading Tech Innovation
Bot Crypto Scraper - Header
Bot Twitter Scraper - Extract All


Everybody need help sometimes.

  • Download the compressed file "BOT" for Windows or Linux from your Trading Tech Innovation space
    > For Mac users, you need to use a virtual machine like VirtualBox, you can also use a Windows server to run the bots on it
    For example : https://cloudzy.com
  • Install Python by downloading it using the following link https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.10.6/python-3.10.6-amd64.exe
    - Open the executable in Administrator mode
    - Please make sure to check the following inputs during the installation:
    "ADD to python.exe to PATH"

    And in the custom installation:
    "PY launcher"
    "Add python to environment variables"

    Then leave the rest as default
  • Once Python is installed, unzip the BOT
  • When you download the Bot ZIP, to dezip it you must use the "Extract All" or "extract files" option, not the "extract to (bot name) folder" option
  • Execute the BOT exe file in the BOT folder
    > Attention, you need to configure your config.json before launching the BOT, as well as the Scraper file, for the bot to function
    > Important, please run the bot executable once before configuring the config.json and scraper.json files

Bot Twitter Scraper - Extract All

  • Attention, when updating BOTs, do not forget to save your config.json and scraper.json files, as we return them empty by default
  • You will find the config file in the BOT folder, named config.json
  • You can open the file using Notepad or Notepad++
  • Please make sure to respect the commas and quotation marks for proper functioning
  • Once the fields are filled in, don't forget to save the file
  • Below are the useful fields for you (ignore the other fields in the file, as they are more advanced):
    "sCode": "" - Please enter your License number (from your Trading Tech Innovation space) between the quotation marks
    "bEnableTelegram": true - Enables Telegram notifications when the bot performs actions (true or false). This feature is optional. (To create a Telegram bot: https://sendpulse.com/knowledge-base/chatbot/telegram/create-telegram-chatbot)
    "sTelegramBotToken": "" - If you enable Telegram notifications, you need to enter your Bot Token between the quotation marks
    "sTelegramBotChatId": "" - You need to enter the ChatID where the bot will interact between the quotation marks
    "iDaysKeepLog": 30 - Sets the number of days to keep logs (action history) before deletion (here we keep logs for 30 days)
    "sExchange": "KUCOIN" - Defines the exchange that will perform your buy and sell actions. You can change it to "GATEIO" or "BINANCE"
    "sApiKey": "" - When creating your API according to your exchange, enter the public API Key between the quotation marks
    "sApiSecret": "" - When creating your API according to your exchange, enter the API Secret Key (private) between the quotation marks
    "sApiPassphrase": "" - When creating your API according to your exchange, enter the Passphrase between the quotation marks. (Note: This field may be optional depending on the chosen exchange. For example, Gate.io does not require it.)
    "bHelp": false - Allows you to launch the bot with the HELP (if set to true, this allows you to make modifications through the command line or just to see the help). Note that to launch the BOT, you need to leave this field as false
    "bExchangeTest": false - Allows you to perform a test buy and sell to check if the API on your exchange is functioning. Be careful, if you set it to true, the executable will only run in test mode and not in live mode. To run in live mode, please set this field to false
    "sExchangeTestCoin": "ADA" - Allows you to perform an immediate test buy and sell (in spot and Futures) with the scraper. You can change the name of the cryptocurrency to test for buying and selling
    "fExchangeTestAmount": 12.0 - Sets the amount for the buy and sell test
    "iExchangeTestLeverage": 10 - Sets the leverage for the buy and sell test
    "sExchangeCoin": "USDT" - Defines the cryptocurrency that will be used for buying actions (by default, it is USDT, but you can change it to BUSD, USDC, etc. Make sure you have the balance of the defined cryptocurrency in your Wallet)
    "fExchangeAmount": 100.0 - Sets the overall amount to invest per scraped cryptocurrency (Spot and/or Futures)
    "iFuturePercent": 20 - Sets the percentage to allocate from the total amount for Futures buying. If you set it to 0%, you will not use the Futures Buy/Sell mode. If you set it to 100%, you will only buy in Futures and not in Spot. In the example, it's set to 20%, which means 80 USDT in Spot and 20 USDT in Futures
    "iLeverage": 10 - Sets the leverage (for Futures buying or selling) that will be added to the amount dedicated to Futures buying or selling (be careful to control your leverage to avoid liquidation)
    "bGenerateReport": true - Generates a report of the actions performed by the scraper. The report will be saved in the BOT folder as a Log file that you can open with Notepad or Notepad++ (set it to false if you don't want to see the history)
    "bCrossExchange": false - This field is important. It allows you to determine whether you want to enable multiple purchases or sales of the same cryptocurrency. For example, if a cryptocurrency is listed on Huobi and then the same cryptocurrency on Binance, if it is set to false, you will only be able to buy the cryptocurrency once. Set it to true to buy the same cryptocurrency with each new listing
    "fSleepTime": 30.0 - This number corresponds to the waiting time in seconds between each scraping (Twitter account analysis). It is crucial not to go below 4, and it is recommended to set it to 30 seconds (you can lower it if you use proxies by category in the scraper.json section)

  • You will find the scraper file in the BOT folder, named scraper.json
  • You can open the file using Notepad or Notepad++
  • Please make sure to respect the commas and quotation marks for proper functioning
  • Once the fields are filled in, don't forget to save the file
  • Below are the useful fields for you (ignore the other fields in the file, as they are more advanced):
    "sName": "Binance" - Only displays the category of the scraped exchange. Each exchange is customizable in terms of the investment amount and type
    "bAddRandParams": true - Adds random parameters to the request to make the interactions more human-like (we strongly recommend keeping this field as true and not false)
    "iDelay": 50 - Sets the time in seconds before selling the asset (50 seconds in the example). If you don't want to sell the bought asset (spot or futures), you can set a very high delay. Note that if you stop the bot in the meantime, the cryptocurrency will never be sold automatically, and you'll have to do it manually from your Exchange
    "fExchangeAmount": 50.0 - Sets the amount to invest per scraped cryptocurrency on the exchange of the category (in the example, it's $50 for Binance)
    "iFuturePercent": 50 - Sets the percentage to allocate from the total amount for Futures buying. If you set it to 0%, you will not use the Futures Buy/Sell mode. If you set it to 100%, you will only buy in Futures and not in Spot. In the example, it's set to 50%, which means 25 USDT in Spot and 25 USDT in Futures
    "iLeverage": 10 - Sets the leverage (for Futures buying or selling) that will be added to the amount dedicated to Futures buying or selling (be careful to control your leverage to avoid liquidation)
    "bEnable": true - Enables or disables a category to be scraped. For example, if you want to buy all listings on Binance but not on Huobi, you just need to set it to false for the exchange category you don't want to use
    "bUseProxy": false - Activates proxy mode for the scraping part (this function is not mandatory but recommended for better performance in scraping listing data). To activate it, you need to set it to true instead of false
    "aProxyList": [] - In this field, you can add the IPs of your proxies (optional). Note that if you enter the IPs, "bUseProxy" must be set to true. Here's an example of adding multiple IPs: ["", ""] (please respect the format)

  • Once the config and scraper files are saved, you can launch the Scraper executable
    > For Linux users, you just need to launch the bot via the command line
    You are now ready to buy the tokens
    You can also modify your config directly from the console using command lines or perform actions if you use the command terminal (for advanced users)

  • - Shadowban(s) / Ban(s)
    /!\ If you try to scrap to oftenly, you may be block
    > So try to stay like an human or use proxies

Our Performances

Better than words.

LINK results


Annual: 371%
Total: 1486%

MATIC results


Annual: 910%
Total: 4553%

INJ results


Annual: 6010%
Total: 24040%

Our Results

Better than words.

© 2025 Trading Tech Innovation
BNB (long) - 30 min - 79% winrate - Over 105 trades - Backtest since 2020
LINK (long) - 1 H - 78 Net profit
ETH (short) - 30 min - 73% winrate - Over 180 trades - Backtest since 2019
MINA (long & short) - 1 H - 73% winrate - Over 405 trades - 300% Net profit since 2021
EAPropFirm almost 5% return on initial capital in 3 days - Gold - 1H Timeframe
AVAX - 83% winrate - Over 265 trades - Backtest since 2020 - 266% Net profit
VET (long) - 1 H - 70% winrate - Over 663 trades - Backtest since 2019
EAPropFirm - 0.78% today, 6% on the account in total
EAPropFirm - Profited 85.6% from ny and Asian session
BTC (short) - 1 H - 69% winrate - Over 236 trades - Backtest since 2019
FTM (long) - 30 min - 68% winrate - Over 184 trades - Backtest since 2020
ETH (long) - 1 H - 76% winrate with trailing - Over 213 trades - Backtest since 2019
EAPropFirm aggressive mode and 5x my investment in 2 days. +400%
EAPropFirm - 4.9% up in 3 trading days
NEXO (long & short) - 1 H - 92% winrate - Over 172 trades - Backtest since 2022 - 240% Net profit
ETH (long) - 30 min - 72% winrate - Over 112 trades - Backtest since 2019
CRV (short) - 30 min - 78% winrate - Over 108 trades - Backtest since 2020
BTC (short) - 30 min - 70% winrate - Over 354 trades - Backtest since 2019
ALGO (short) - 30 MIN - 69% winrate - Over 189 trades - Backtest since 2020
BTC (long) - 15 min - 69% winrate - Over 305 trades - Backtest since 2018
EAPropFirm - 0.5% profit in 1 day
ETH (long & short) - 1 H - 75% winrate - Over 486 trades - Backtest since 2017 - 6500% Net profit
QNT (long & short) - 1 H - 78% winrate - Over 208 trades - Backtest since 2021 - 305% Net profit - Only 6% Drawdown
EAPropFirm - XAU (long & short) - 1 H - 72% winrate - Over 151 trades - Consolidation period of 5 days
BTC (long) - 1 H - 75% winrate - Over 920 trades - Backtest since 2019
EAPropFirm - 10% in 1 day
ADA (long) - 1 H - 76 Net profit
XAU (long) - 1 H - 75% winrate - Over 124 trades - Backtest since 2019
BTC (long) - 1 H - 1.75 R - 68% winrate - Over 588 trades - Backtest since 2017
AXS (short) - 30 min - 70% winrate - Over 137 trades - Backtest since 2020
TRX (long) - 1 H - 1.25 R - 69% winrate with multi TP - Over 435 trades - Backtest since 2018
EA PropFirm in 24h - 19 wins for 0 lose
BTC (long & short) - 1 H - 74% winrate - Over 271 trades - Backtest since 2017 - 848% Net profit - Equity Mode
ETH (long) - 1 H - 68% winrate - Over 425 trades - Backtest since 2017
BTC (short) - 1 H - 70% winrate - Over 397 trades - Backtest since 2019
TAO - 83% winrate - Over 203 trades - Backtest since 2023 - 232% Net profit
CKB (long & short) - 1 H - 80% winrate - Over 673 trades - Backtest since 2021 - 531% Net profit
LINK (long) - 1 H - 68% winrate - Over 255 trades - Backtest since 2019
BNB (long) - 1 H - 70% winrate - Over 188 trades - Backtest since 2017
ETH (long) - 1 H - 79% winrate - Over 812 trades - Backtest since 2019
BNB (short) - 30 min - 76% winrate - Over 139 trades - Backtest since 2020
Stablecoin investment strategy to generate safe passive income of over 30% a year
CKB - 80% winrate - Over 673 trades - Backtest since 2021 - 531% Net profit
EAPropFirm - 14 consecutive wins
BCH (long) - 30 min - 70% winrate - Over 132 trades - Backtest since 2019
THETA - 75% winrate - Over 543 trades - Backtest since 2019 - 412% Net profit
ETH (short) - 1 H - 70% winrate with multi TP - Over 909 trades - Backtest since 2018

Blog articles

CDV and Open Interest Anticipating Price Action Movements article

CDV and Open Interest Anticipating Price Action Movements

Have you ever wondered how to anticipate price movements in the financial markets? While predicting market trends with certainty...
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Break of Structure and Continuation of Structure article

Break of Structure and Continuation of Structure

In the realm of technical analysis in trading, two crucial terms stand out: Break of Structure (BOS) and Continuation of Structu...
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Analyzing MTF and Market Fractality article

Analyzing MTF and Market Fractality

Analyzing the market is a crucial aspect of trading that allows us to understand its dynamics and make informed decisions. Two i...
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