Trading Tech Innovation
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TradingView detail - Strategies
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Change your vision of investing and manage your investments differently for greater profitability Significantly increase your earnings by increasing your money management (% bet per trade in relation to your capital) Trading Tech Innovation offers an automated trading service that uses a pre-set script on TradingView to offer strategies on a variety of instruments such as cryptocurrencies, currencies, commodities, and stocks Our strategies have a average success rate of 70%, making it an ideal solution for traders looking to maximize their potential gains The process is simple and easy
- Just select the instrument you want to trade using our pre-set Tradingview indicator and everything is automatically set up
- Our Risk Management features allow you to set a maximum amount of risk per trade to minimize potential losses and protect your trading capital
- With our Multi Take Profit feature, you can further increase your win rate and secure your gains! You can set up to 3 percentage-based levels and choose the percentage size to automatically sell per level
- The Multi Take Profit will automatically sell a portion of the position volume when each level is reached, reducing your exposure to the market and protecting your profits
- Use Multi Break Even to reduce market reversal risks and save your positions
- Capture volatility opportunities with our Trailing Stop feature: Set the percentage level of the gap between TakeProfit and the trailing stop
- Our Dynamic Order Size feature allows you to automatically adjust the size of your positions based on your gains or losses, giving you better visibility on the size of your trades
- You can also apply Martingale or Anti-Martingale strategies to adjust the size of your position based on your gains or losses
- With our intelligent Kelly Ratio betting mode, you can automate the size of your position using a proven method that takes into account your trading history to estimate the optimal position size
- This allows you to maximize your potential gains while minimizing your risks
- Trading Tech Innovation is also compatible with a variety of popular trading platforms, including Binance, Finandy, Bybit, Metatrader, thanks to our Metaconnector connector
- We have created an all-in-one solution for your trading that includes a user-friendly interface, advanced risk management and position sizing features, as well as connectors to trading platforms to automate trade openings, closures, TakeProfit, StopLoss, Break-Even and volume
Sign up now and start improving your trading with an automated solution that uses strategies with a average success rate of 70% With Trading Tech Innovation, you can trade with confidence and optimize your results
More than you will expect.
- Trade effectively and effortlessly with our automated service Trading Tech Innovation, using pre-set strategies for various instruments such as cryptocurrencies, currencies, commodities, and stocks
- Automate your trading and increase your potential gains with a strategy with a average success rate of 70% with a 2-5 years backtest minimum
- Be safe with our No repaint strategies
- Secure your profits and reduce risks with the Multi Take Profit and/or Multi Break-Even features
- Use the Trailing Stop feature and let your trade increase without worrying about your Stop Loss, which becomes dynamic
- Protect your trading capital and minimize losses with advanced risk management features such as Max loose per trade and Auto Volume Size
- Use our No Copy Trading feature, which will vary your positions slightly in order to use strategies on PropFirm
- Automatically adjust the size of your positions based on gains or losses to better manage your Drawdown
- Maximize your potential gains while minimizing your risks with our intelligent Kelly Ratio betting mode
- Use Martingale or Anti-Martingale strategies to adjust the size of your position based on your gains or losses
- Easily connect to a variety of popular trading platforms, including Binance, Finandy, Bybit, Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5, with our Metaconnector connector and Place Orders system
- Benefit from an all-in-one solution for your trading, including a user-friendly interface, advanced risk management and position sizing features, as well as connectors to trading platforms to automate trade openings, closures, TakeProfit, StopLoss, Break-Even and volumes
- Improve your trading and gain confidence with Trading Tech Innovation
Better with images.
Everybody need help sometimes.
- In the "Settings" tab, please set the capital amount to be the same as the "Amount" in the inputs
- Enter an amount, for example 10000 (you will not risk the entire amount, but the maximum percentage of loss per trade)
- Set the same amount in "Max Amount"
- Define the risk percentage per trade (by default, it is set at 3% = 300 for an amount of 10000)
- Select your connector type - "Custom Alert" = Check the boxes according to the alerts : Please refer to the corresponding tutorial (Finandy, 3commas, Alertatron, ProfitView) - "Metaconnector" = Check the box, then please refer to the Metaconnector tutorial that will explain how to enter the license, your broker's ticket, and the Spread Decal (0.2 recommended on SL for cryptocurrencies)
- From the strategy settings, please select the pre-set symbol Don't forget to choose the pair, source, and timeframe corresponding to the pre-set input (like "BTCUSDTPERP BINANCE 30m") > Once the strategy is displayed, please adjust the following information - Amount Determines the amount of your initial investment (remember to put the same amount in the properties, in the "Initial Capital" field for consistent results)
- - Amount Max By default, it is the same as Amount Amount Max allows you to increase the stake up to this limit (Only if DOS activated)
- - Max Lose per trade Sets a maximum loss limit in USD or % relative to your initial Amount This will automatically determine the quantity according to the pre-defined TP and SL to not lose more than the defined risk
- Divide volume to match Broker ratio Allows you to apply a ratio on the final quantity that will be divided and sent to the broker with Metaconnector or to the exchange This feature is very important because for example, 100 XAU quantity on TradingView corresponds to 1 XAU quantity at a broker
- - Dynamic Order Size Type Does not apply any variation in quantity > Kelly Ratio Will apply predictive quantities based on trade history, to decrease DrawDown but also NetProfit > Custom Allows you to define a % applied to quantity during loss or gain, for example, you can define -30% on the next position as soon as a trade is lost and +30% on the next position as soon as a trade is won > Reset Allows you to reset the quantity applied to the initial quantity according to the selected day or period (this mode only works with the Dynamic Order Size function) - Martingale and anti-martingale You can define a multiplier coefficient that will be applied to the volume of your next trade after a win or a loss (this mode only works with dynamic order size)
- - Multi TakeProfit You can activate one TakeProfit or two intermediate TakeProfits Set the % triggering for each TP and the % to sell on the total volume of your position > Example TP1: Triggering at 40%, Volume Sell 30% TP2: Triggering at 60%, Volume Sell 40% This will leave 30% volume to sell on the final TP
- - Multi BreakEven You can activate one BreakEven or two BreakEvens Set the % triggering for each BreakEven and the % backup in case of a trend reversal > Example BE1: Triggering at 40%, backup 20% compared to the final TP BE2: Triggering at 60%, backup 40% compared to the final TP
- - Trailing Stop If you enable the trailing stop, you must set the percentage level of the gap for your trailing stop when the price hits the Take Profit: > Example TP at 1% Trailing stop level at 70% = 0.7% The trailing gap will therefore be 0.3% once the Take Profit is reached In this example, the Stop Loss will always evolve at 30% compared to the Higher High of the current price
- Binance connection : You can connect and trade with your binance Spot or Future account via the API section at
- Create an account on Finandy then follow the screens below Info: the volume is calculated with the leverage = you must put the total volume: example $10,000 in the volume with a leverage of 10 = real bet of $1000 In method 1, the close tab must be deactivated If you use the dynamic order size you must select "Strategy" instead of "Volume" = will automatically set the strategy volume from TradingView
- Click on the "Signals" tab
- Click on the "+" icon on the left side of the screen, Then set the Left part concerning Tickers etc. (Please take example on the picture but change the symbol according to your symbol you are trading with our script (To check the name of the Symbol please look at the name of the Pair on Finandy : example : ETHUSDT) ATTENTION : Please put in the Order Size part "Buy" if you set a Long Signal or "Sell" if you set a Short Signal Otherwise you can put "Strategy" for an Automatic definition
- Set the "Open" part like the picture (If you want to use the TradingView quantity change "Volume" by "Strategy Amount", and if you change the leverage, it is included in the total quantity of the strategy: example: On the TradingView script you have entered a max amount of 1000 euros and on Finandy you have put 10 in leverage = you will bet 100 euros)
- Set the "SL" part like the picture (please check if the text in Price is always the right one according to the available place order (visible at the bottom of the page or on the TradingView script)
- Set the "TP" part as picture (please check if the text in Price is always the right one according to the available place order (visible at the bottom of the page or on the TradingView script)
- Set your Mutli TP (if you have activated any from the TradingView script) with the right % increments to sell corresponding to the ones you have set up in the strategy (please check if the text in Price is always the right one according to the available place order (visible at the bottom of the page or on the TradingView script)
- Please note that we separate in this example the Longs from the Shorts = we create a Signal for the Longs and another for the Shorts
- Copy the code and save your Finandy Signal
- Paste the code into the TradingView script in the "Long entry" field only (If obviously you are setting up a Long strategy, if it is a Short then paste the code into the "Short entry" field)
- Go back to Finandy and copy the Webhook address of the Signal (don't forget to activate your Signal on Finandy)
- On Tradingview : Create a new Alert, Add the message "{{strategy.order.alert_message}}" Put a Name
- Select the Script, go to "Notification", Check WebHook URL, then paste the Webhook address of the Finandy Signal
- Press "Create" and you're done
- Binance connection : You can connect and trade with your binance Spot or Future account via the API section at
- Create an account on Finandy then follow the screens below Info: the volume is calculated with the leverage = you must put the total volume: example $10,000 in the volume with a leverage of 10 = real bet of $1000 In method 1, the close tab must be deactivated If you use the dynamic order size you must select "Strategy" instead of "Volume" = will automatically set the strategy volume from TradingView
- Click on the "Signals" tab
- Click on the icon "+" on the left of the screen, Then set the Left part concerning the Tickers etc. (Please take example on the picture but change the symbol according to your symbol that you trade with our script (To check the name of the Symbol please look at the name of the Pair on Finandy : example : ETHUSDT) WARNING : Put "Strategy" for an Automatic definition of a Long or Short Signal
- Set the "Open" part like the picture (If you want to use the TradingView amount change Volume by Strategy Amount, and if you change the leverage, it is included in the total) Strategy amount: example: On the TradingView script you have entered a max amount of 1000 euros and on Finandy you have put 10 in leverage = you will bet 100 euros)
- Please define the "Position Side" = "Long Only" if you set a Long Signal or "Short Only" if you set a Short Signal "SL"
- Set the "Close" part as picture
- Please note that we separate in this example the Long from the Short = we create a Signal for the Long and another for the Short
- Copy the code and save your Finandy Signal
- Paste the code into the TradingView Script in the "Long entry" and "Long exit" fields (If you are obviously setting up a Long strategy, if it is a Short then paste the code into "Short entry" and "Short exit")
- Go back to Finandy and copy the Webhook address of the Signal (don't forget to activate your Signal on Finandy)
- On Tradingview : Create a new Alert, Add the message "{{strategy.order.alert_message}}" Put a Name
- Select the Script, go to "Notification", Check WebHook URL, then paste the Webhook address of the Finandy Signal
- Press "Create" and you're done
- - To increase a result or reduce a drawdown (Normal) Add Multi TP (for example: 40% reached = 20% position sold) Activate Custom in Dynamic Order Size with for example 20 for loose and 20 for win (or 25 and 25, or 30 and 30) and do your tests
- Depends on options you have : - Boost your results and reduce your risks (Dynamic) - Utilize the "Pyramid" category and adjust the fields : "Pyramiding," "Starter," and "Coef" - Adjust the Sensibility of the Dynamic - Activate and Adjust filter values - Vary the Sources in the Filters (Open, Close, etc.) - Use Multi TimeFrames filters - Activate the various "Force Close" options in the filters - Enable "Use safe mode" - Employ the Wait function (set the number of wait bars) - Utilize Individual Mode by checking one filter at a time for testing - Enable the option: "Prevent open if previous bar was blocked" (adjust the "Decal") - Activate Only Longs or Only Shorts or both
- If You Want to Optimize Your Own Strategy with Our Algos - To optimize a strategy, it's essential to consider some key information - Avoid Overfitting = You shouldn't achieve good results over a global period by applying filters - To avoid overfitting: Use our Chrome Extension Optimizer and utilize the HeatMap option - Then, break down your optimizations by year using the "Backtest Date Range" with the same variations of values in the inputs - Example: First Optimization 2020, Second Optimization 2021, etc. - Begin by optimizing only the setting fields of the selected "Entry Mode" - The HeatMap option allows you to compare two input fields and see the values that yield the best results (this can be based on Profit Factor, Sharpe Ratio, etc.) - We recommend analyzing the Profit Factor first - Once optimizations are done for different periods, you should look at the inputs that give the best results across all the different periods - Then you can do the same with an activated filter and optimize your best settings one filter at a time per year (and only vary the filter values, not the entry mode) - Please be cautious with each filter application, if possible, backtest your new results
- - No Data If you enable the trailing stop, you must set the percentage level of the gap for your trailing stop when the price hits the Take Profit Please switch between different Timeframes and back to the one specified in the strategy and wait for loading Repeat the operation until you see the strategy
- - If you don't have the same results ? Please check the information you have when selecting the strategy: - Symbol (example: USDT.P, XAUUSD, etc.) - The source (Binance, Oanda, etc.) - Timeframe (1 hour, 30 minutes, etc.) Please note that over time the results may vary
Our Performances
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Annual: 141%Total: 848%
Annual: 344%Total: 1724%
Annual: 6316%Total: 18950%
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Blog articles
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CDV and Open Interest Anticipating Price Action Movements
Have you ever wondered how to anticipate price movements in the financial markets? While predicting market trends with certainty...Read more
Order Book Spoofing Handbook
Understanding the Order Book, HeatMap Analysis, and the Risk of Spoofing in Trading...Read more
Analyzing MTF and Market Fractality
Analyzing the market is a crucial aspect of trading that allows us to understand its dynamics and make informed decisions. Two i...Read more
User reviews
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Intuitive SetupTrading with their tools, combined with other indicators, is genuinely helpful and good results
Market MonitoringThe economic news filter tool saved me from being rekt multiple times
Beginner's AidEven as a novice, I found the strategies easy to implement, thanks to tutorials, if used correctly, will boost your results
All need more history.