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Bot Twitter Scraper detail
All you need to discover and use it.
Let Twitter Guide You to the Best Cryptocurrency Opportunities - With our cryptocurrency trends scraper on Twitter, you can now harness the power of tweets to maximize your profits The Power of Twitter Trends at Your Finger tips - With our real-time scraper, you'll stay ahead of market movements - Our algorithm constantly analyzes the most influential Twitter accounts in the cryptocurrency space, identifies tweets related to the desired cryptocurrencies, and determines the sentiment expressed in each sentence (positive, negative, or neutral) - This will automatically trigger a buy or sell action based on the parameters you have set
- Buy or sell before the FOMO period: Take advantage of market hypes and trends by buying or selling cryptocurrencies before OTH
- Exploit influential tweets: Seize opportunities created by tweets from renowned personalities such as Elon Musk, Vitalik Buterin, and many others, which can generate significant market movements
- Optimal risk and arbitrage management: Automate your investments and effectively manage your portfolio by capturing buying and selling opportunities for tokens at the right time
- Take full control: Our scraper is pre-installed and ready to be launched on a personal and private virtual machine. You decide when to start or stop the bot, with complete autonomy
Please note that if the cryptocurrency is not available on your selected exchange platform (Binance,, or Kucoin), the token will not be bought or sold Also, make sure you have the necessary balances in Spot or Futures, depending on your chosen investment mode If you have enabled Token sales in sentiment management, please verify that you own the cryptocurrency you are scraping in Spot (if Futures orders are enabled, ensure you have the necessary balance of the previously defined stablecoin)
More than you will expect.
- Scrape Twitter accounts of your choice: Add as many influential Twitter accounts as you want and customize the scraping settings for each account
- Custom keywords: Identify the cryptocurrencies of interest by adding specific keywords for each scraped Twitter account You can have a different list for each Twitter account you scrape, and the list can consist of multiple cryptocurrencies and multiple keywords per token (example: XRP = ripple, XRP = xrp, XRP = $XRP)
- Tweet sentiment management: Enable or disable "buy", "sell", or "neutral" modes based on the sentiment expressed in the scraped tweets: Positive, Negative, or Neutral (no action taken) Each sentiment can be customized (e.g., buy on neutral sentiment, buy on positive sentiment, or do nothing on negative sentiment, etc.)
- Customized delay before action: Add a delay before buying or selling the token after scraping the tweet We retrieve the data between 4 to 8 seconds between the tweet and the information retrieval You can set a minimum or instant time (e.g., 0 seconds) if you think you'll be among the first to benefit from the crypto's pump or dump Alternatively, you can set a longer time (e.g., 1200 seconds) if you prefer to wait for a pullback before automatically buying or selling the token based on the tweet sentiment
- Investment flexibility: Choose the symbol of your investment (USDT, BUSD, USDC, etc.)
- Define the amount to invest per scraped Twitter account: You can set a fixed amount that will be automatically invested to buy the crypto at the time of the tweet (e.g., 100 USDT) or define a customized amount per Twitter account (e.g., Elon Musk: 100 USDT, Mark Zuckerberg: 50 USDT) During the sale of the cryptocurrency, the conversion is reversed (e.g., XRP to USDT)
- Select your investment mode: Spot or Futures, or both (please ensure you have the necessary balance in your Spot or Futures Wallet)
- Split your investment types Spot/Futures: Define the percentage to allocate in Spot and Futures for each cryptocurrency investment during scraping (e.g., 100 USDT invested: 50% Spot, 50% Futures = if the scraped tweet matches your preferences, the investment will be automatically distributed based on the identified cryptocurrency)
- Set leverage: You can add leverage to your initial investment when going long or short on a crypto at the time of the order (only for futures)
- Proxies management for enhanced security: Add proxies to the scraper to secure and humanize the process by introducing random delays between actions
- Connect the scraper to your Telegram: Create a Telegram bot and provide the ID in the scraper to receive notifications when a Token is bought or sold (you will receive the invested amount and the purchased pair)
Better with images.
Everybody need help sometimes.
- Download the compressed file "BOT" for Windows or Linux from your Trading Tech Innovation space > For Mac users, you need to use a virtual machine like VirtualBox, you can also use a Windows server to run the bots on it For example :
- Install Python by downloading it using the following link - Open the executable in Administrator mode - Please make sure to check the following inputs during the installation: "ADD to python.exe to PATH" And in the custom installation: "PIP" "PY launcher" "Add python to environment variables" Then leave the rest as default
- Once Python is installed, unzip the BOT
- When you download the Bot ZIP, to dezip it you must use the "Extract All" or "extract files" option, not the "extract to (bot name) folder" option
- Execute the BOT exe file in the BOT folder > Attention, you need to configure your config.json before launching the BOT, as well as the Scraper file, for the bot to function > Important, please run the bot executable once before configuring the config.json and scraper.json files

- Attention, when updating BOTs, do not forget to save your config.json and scraper.json files, as we return them empty by default
- You will find the config file in the BOT folder, named config.json
- You can open the file using Notepad or Notepad++
- Please make sure to respect the commas and quotation marks for proper functioning
- Once the fields are filled in, don't forget to save the file
- Below are the useful fields for you (ignore the other fields in the file, as they are more advanced): "sCode": "" - Please enter your License number (from your Trading Tech Innovation space) between the quotation marks "bEnableTelegram": true - Allows you to enable notifications on Telegram when the bot performs actions (true or false). This functionality is optional. (To create a Telegram bot: "sTelegramBotToken": "" - If you enable Telegram notifications, you need to enter your Bot Token between the quotation marks "sTelegramBotChatId": "" - You need to enter the ChatID where the bot will interact between the quotation marks "iDaysKeepLog": 30 - Sets the number of days to keep the logs (action history) before deletion. In this example, logs are kept for 30 days "sExchange": "BINANCE" - Specifies the exchange that will perform your buy and sell actions. You can change it to "GATEIO" or "KUCOIN" "sApiKey": "" - When creating your API according to your exchange, please enter the public API Key between the quotation marks "sApiSecret": "" - When creating your API according to your exchange, please enter the API Secret Key (private) between the quotation marks "sApiPassphrase": "" - When creating your API according to your exchange, please enter the Passphrase between the quotation marks. (Note: This field may be optional depending on the chosen exchange. For example, and Binance do not require it.) "bHelp": false - Allows you to launch the bot with the HELP (if set to true, this allows you to make modifications via the command line or just to see the help). Note: To launch the BOT, leave this field as false "bExchangeTest": false - Allows you to perform a buy and sell test to see if the API on your exchange is working. Be careful, if you set it to true, the executable will only run in test mode and not in live mode. To launch in live mode, please set this field to false "sExchangeTestCoin": "ADA" - Allows you to perform an immediate buy and sell test (in spot and futures) with the scraper. You can change the name of the crypto to test for buying and selling "fExchangeTestAmount": 12.0 - Sets the amount for the buy and sell test "iExchangeTestLeverage": 10 - Sets the leverage for the test buy and sell "sExchangeCoin": "USDT" - You need to define the cryptocurrency that will be used for buying actions (by default, it's USDT, but you can change it to BUSD, USDC, etc. Please make sure you have the balance of the cryptocurrency you defined in your wallet) "fExchangeAmount" / "iFuturePercent" / "iLeverage" DO NOT CHANGE: NOT USED, THE FIELDS TAKEN FOR THESE VALUES ARE LOCATED IN THE SCRAPER.JSON FILE "bGenerateReport": true - Enables generating a report of the actions performed by the scraper. The report will be saved in the Bot folder as a log file that you can open with Note or NotePad++ (you can set it to false if you don't want to see the history) "fSleepTime": 30.0 - This number corresponds to the waiting time in seconds between each scraping (Twitter account analysis). it is recommended to set it to 30 seconds to not exceed the limits of the twitter API "sBearerToken": "" - Please enter your Twitter Bearer Token between the quotation marks (to create a Bearer Token, you can refer to the tutorial below) "bNeutralIsPositive": true - This field is important. It determines whether to take a buying action if the sentiment of a tweet is "neutral." By default, it is set to true, but you can set it to false if you don't want any action to be taken when a tweet has a neutral sentiment "sConsumerKey": "" - Please provide your API Key to connect the Twitter scraper with a Twitter API Key within the " " (To create an API Key, you can refer to the tutorial below) "sConsumerSecret": "" - Please provide your API Key Secret to connect the Twitter scraper with a Twitter API Key Secret within the " " (To create an API Key Secret, you can refer to the tutorial below) "sOauthToken": "" - Please provide your Access Token to connect the Twitter scraper with a Twitter Access Token within the " " (To create an Access Token, you can refer to the tutorial below) "sOauthSecret": "" - Please provide your Access Token Secret to connect the Twitter scraper with a Twitter Access Token Secret within the " " (To create an Access Token Secret, you can refer to the tutorial below)

- 1. Go to the following URL:
- 2. Click on "Sign up for Free Account" (we recommend using a non-professional or private Twitter account, create a dedicated Twitter account for scraping)
- 3. Enter the following text in the "Describe all your UseCase" field "The Power of Twitter Trends at Your Fingertips" With our real-time scraper, you'll stay ahead of market movements. Our algorithm constantly analyzes the most influential Twitter accounts in the cryptocurrency space, identifies tweets related to the desired cryptocurrencies, and determines the sentiment expressed in each sentence (positive, negative, or neutral). This will automatically trigger an action based on the parameters you have set."
- 4. Check all three checkboxes and click on "Submit"
- 5. Once you're in your dashboard, click on "Keys and tokens" and then click on "Generate" in the "API Key and Secret" section
- 6. You can copy the keys and paste it in the dedicated part in the Config file: "sConsumerKey": "", "sConsumerSecret": "", "sOauthToken": "", "sOauthSecret": ""
- You will find the scraper file in the BOT folder, named scraper.json
- You can open the file using Notepad or Notepad++
- Please make sure to respect the commas and quotation marks for proper functioning
- Once the fields are filled in, don't forget to save the file
- Below are the useful fields for you (ignore the other fields in the file, as they are more advanced): "sName": "Elon Musk" - Enter the username of the Twitter account you want to scrape (as it appears on their Twitter profile). This is the name of the scraped Twitter account. Each account can be customized with regards to the investment amount and type "sId": "elonmusk" - Enter the Twitter account username (starting with @) of the account you want to scrape "iId": 44196397 - Enter the Twitter account ID of the account you want to scrape. You can use the website to find the account ID "aKeywords": [ - Here you should enter the keywords to scrape in the tweets for each Twitter account. The left column corresponds to the cryptocurrency name, which should be identical to the name on your connected Exchange (API). (Note: Do not include pairs, for example, use "XRP" instead of "XRPUSDT") In the right column, enter the keywords you want to search for in tweets. If you want multiple keywords for a single cryptocurrency or other cryptocurrencies to search for in tweets, simply create a new line following the same format and add the symbol with a different keyword (as shown in the example for LINK) : "aKeywords" : [ ["XRP", "Ripple"], ["BTC", "Bitcoin"], ["XLM", "Stellar Lumens"], ["BCH", "Bitcoin Cash"], ["ETH", "Ethereum"], ["BNB", "Binance Coin"], ["LTC", "Litecoin"], ["LINK", "link"], ["LINK", "$link"], ["DOGE", "Dodgecoin"] ], "iDelay": 50 - Sets the time in seconds before selling the asset (50 seconds in the example). If you don't want to sell the purchased asset (spot or futures), you can set a very high delay. Please note that if you stop the bot in the meantime, the cryptocurrency will never be sold automatically, and you will have to do it manually from your Exchange "fExchangeAmount": 50.0 - Sets the amount to invest per scraped cryptocurrency per Twitter account (in the example, it's $50 for Elon Musk) "iFuturePercent": 50 - Sets the percentage to allocate to the total amount for futures trading. If you set it to 0%, futures trading will not be used. If you set it to 100%, you will only buy futures and not spot. In the example, it's set to 50%, which means $25 in spot and $25 in futures "iLeverage": 10 - Sets the leverage for futures trading. This value will be added to the amount dedicated to futures trading. Be cautious and manage your leverage properly to avoid liquidation "bEnable": true - Enables or disables a Twitter account for scraping. For example, if you only want to buy when Elon Musk tweets one of your keywords but want to pause Vitalik Buterin, you can set it to false for the Twitter account category you don't want to use "bAddRandParams": true - Allows you to add random parameters to the request to make the interactions more human-like (we strongly advise you to leave this field as true and not false) "bUseProxy": false - Enables Proxy mode for the Twitter account scraping part (this function is not mandatory but recommended for better performance in scraping Tweet data). To activate it, you should change the value to true instead of false "aProxyList": [] - In this field, you can add the IPs of your proxies (optional). Please note that if you enter the IPs, bUseProxy must be set to true (here is an example of multiple IPs added: ["", ""]. Please ensure that you respect the format
- Once the config and scraper files are saved, you can launch the Scraper executable > For Linux users, you just need to launch the bot via the command line You are now ready to buy the tokens You can also modify your config directly from the console using command lines or perform actions if you use the command terminal (for advanced users)
- Create an API key from your exchange, authorizing Spot and Futures trading (or futures contracts) /!\ Please make sure not to set an expiration date for your API, not to limit it to an IP, and do not enable transfers Once created, you can save and set it up in the scraper's configuration file Please note that if the cryptocurrency is not available on or Kucoin (according to your chosen exchange), the token will not be purchased New tokens are usually already listed in Spot but less commonly in Futures at the time of the next listing announcement /!\ If you try to scrap to oftenly, you may be block > So try to stay like an human or use proxies
- Create a KYC account - (20% each of fee amount) - Binance (10% each of fee amount) - KuCoin
- Make a deposit - USDT (via Tron/TRC20 due to very low fee) - Binance Deposit EUR and buy USDT - KuCoin USDT (via Tron/TRC20 due to very low fee)
- Decrease trading fees - Buy some GT and check option at - Binance Buy some BNB and check option at - KuCoin Buy some KCS and check option at
- Split your USDT amount to trade on Spot and Futures - (Futures is called Contract) - Binance - KuCoin
- Generate API - (v4) > Spot / Contract / Wallet (Read and Write) - Binance /!\ Without set restriction on IPs access, asutomatically in read only after 90 days > Reading / Spot & Margin Trading / Futures - KuCoin (v2) > General / Trade
- - Shadowban(s) / Ban(s) /!\ If you try to scrap to oftenly, you may be block > So try to stay like an human or use proxies
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